.. highlight:: typoscript .. _configuration: Configuration ============= The extension offers the following configuration options through TypoScript. If you overwrite them through `setup` make sure to keep them in the `module` area as they will be accessed from backend mode of TYPO3. Do so by placing the following line at the end:: module.tx_searchcore < plugin.tx_searchcore .. todo:: We will use references inside the extension to make the above unnecessary in the future. The structure is following TYPO3 Extbase conventions. All settings are placed inside of:: plugin.tx_searchcore.settings Here is the example default configuration that's provided through static include: .. literalinclude:: ../../Configuration/TypoScript/constants.txt :language: typoscript :linenos: :caption: Static TypoScript Constants .. literalinclude:: ../../Configuration/TypoScript/setup.txt :language: typoscript :linenos: :caption: Static TypoScript Setup .. _configuration_options: Options ------- The following sections contains the different options grouped by their applied area, e.g. for :ref:`connections` and :ref:`indexer`: ``plugin.tx_searchcore.settings.connection`` or ``plugin.tx_searchcore.settings.indexing``: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: configuration/connections configuration/indexing configuration/searching