.. _configuration_options_index: Indexing ======== Holds settings regarding the indexing, e.g. of TYPO3 records, to search services. Configured as:: plugin { tx_searchcore { settings { indexing { identifier { indexer = FullyQualifiedClassname // the settings } } } } } Where ``identifier`` is up to you, but should match table names to make :ref:`TcaIndexer` work. The following settings are available. For each setting its documented which indexer consumes it. .. _rootLineBlacklist: rootLineBlacklist ----------------- Used by: :ref:`TcaIndexer`, :ref:`PagesIndexer`. Defines a blacklist of page uids. Records below any of these pages, or subpages, are not indexed. This allows you to define areas that should not be indexed. The page attribute *No Search* is also taken into account to prevent indexing records from only one page without recursion. Contains a comma separated list of page uids. Spaces are trimmed. Example:: plugin.tx_searchcore.settings.indexing..rootLineBlacklist = 3, 10, 100 Also it's possible to define some behaviour for the different document types. In context of TYPO3 tables are used as document types 1:1. It's possible to configure different tables. The following options are available: .. _additionalWhereClause: additionalWhereClause --------------------- Used by: :ref:`TcaIndexer`, :ref:`PagesIndexer`. Add additional SQL to where clauses to determine indexable records from the table. This way you can exclude specific records like ``tt_content`` records with specific ``CType`` values or something else. E.g. you can add a new field to the table to exclude records from indexing. Example:: plugin.tx_searchcore.settings.indexing..additionalWhereClause = tt_content.CType NOT IN ('gridelements_pi1', 'list', 'div', 'menu') .. attention:: Make sure to prefix all fields with the corresponding table name. The selection from database will contain joins and can lead to SQL errors if a field exists in multiple tables. .. _abstractFields: abstractFields -------------- Used by: :ref:`PagesIndexer`. Define which field should be used to provide the auto generated field "search_abstract". The fields have to exist in the record to be indexed. Therefore fields like ``content`` are also possible. Example:: # As last fallback we use the content of the page plugin.tx_searchcore.settings.indexing..abstractFields := addToList(content) Default:: abstract, description, bodytext .. _mapping: mapping ------- Used by: Elasticsearch connection while indexing. Define mapping for Elasticsearch, have a look at the official docs: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.2/mapping.html You are able to define the mapping for each property / columns. Example:: plugin.tx_searchcore.settings.indexing.tt_content.mapping { CType { type = keyword } } The above example will define the ``CType`` field of ``tt_content`` as ``type: keyword``. This makes building a facet possible. .. _index: index ----- Used by: Elasticsearch connection while indexing. Define index for Elasticsearch, have a look at the official docs: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.2/indices-create-index.html Example:: plugin.tx_searchcore.settings.indexing.tt_content.index { analysis { analyzer { ngram4 { type = custom tokenizer = ngram4 char_filter = html_strip filter = lowercase, asciifolding } } tokenizer { ngram4 { type = ngram min_gram = 4 max_gram = 4 } } } } ``char_filter`` and ``filter`` are a comma separated list of options. .. _dataProcessing: dataProcessing -------------- Used by: All connections while indexing. Configure modifications on each document before sending it to the configured connection. Same as provided by TYPO3 for :ref:`t3tsref:cobj-fluidtemplate` through :ref:`t3tsref:cobj-fluidtemplate-properties-dataprocessing`. All processors are applied in configured order. Allowing to work with already processed data. Example:: plugin.tx_searchcore.settings.indexing.tt_content.dataProcessing { 1 = Codappix\SearchCore\DataProcessing\CopyToProcessor 1 { to = search_spellcheck } 2 = Codappix\SearchCore\DataProcessing\CopyToProcessor 2 { to = search_all } } The above example will copy all existing fields to the field ``search_spellcheck``. Afterwards all fields, including ``search_spellcheck`` will be copied to ``search_all``. E.g. used to index all information into a field for :ref:`spellchecking` or searching with different :ref:`mapping`. The following Processor are available: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: dataProcessing/CopyToProcessor dataProcessing/RemoveProcessor dataProcessing/GeoPointProcessor The following Processor are planned: ``Codappix\SearchCore\DataProcessing\ReplaceProcessor`` Will execute a search and replace on configured fields. ``Codappix\SearchCore\DataProcessing\RootLevelProcessor`` Will attach the root level to the record. ``Codappix\SearchCore\DataProcessing\ChannelProcessor`` Will add a configurable channel to the record, e.g. if you have different areas in your website like "products" and "infos". ``Codappix\SearchCore\DataProcessing\RelationResolverProcessor`` Resolves all relations using the TCA. Of course you are able to provide further processors. Just implement ``Codappix\SearchCore\DataProcessing\ProcessorInterface`` and use the FQCN (=Fully qualified class name) as done in the examples above. By implementing also the same interface as necessary for TYPO3 :ref:`t3tsref:cobj-fluidtemplate-properties-dataprocessing`, you are able to reuse the same code also for Fluid to prepare the same record fetched from DB for your fluid. Dependency injection is possible inside of processors, as we instantiate through extbase ``ObjectManager``.