.. highlight:: bash .. _contribution: Contribution ============ Everyone is welcome to contribute, whether it's code, issues, feature requests or any other kind. Below is a documentation what to respect during contributions. .. _contribution_setup: Setup ----- To start contributions regarding code, make sure to setup your system:: git clone git@github.com:DanielSiepmann/search_core.git \ && cd search_core \ && make install \ && make functionalTests If all tests are okay, start your work. Of course you might need some requirements like running elasticsearch and composer to work before. .. _contribution_development: Development ----------- All changes are introduced through pull requests at `Github`_ and should contain the following: * Adjusted tests if tests existed before. Otherwise they will break on `travis-ci`_. * New tests whenever possible and usefull. * Code has to follow `PSR-2`_. * Adjusted documentation. * Make sure to follow the documented :ref:`concepts`. .. _Github: https://github.com/DanielSiepmann/search_core .. _travis-ci: https://travis-ci.org/ .. _PSR-2: http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2/