# MJML https://mjml.io integration for **TYPO3 EXT:Form** MJML is a markup language designed to reduce the pain of coding a responsive email. Its semantic syntax makes it easy and straightforward and its rich standard components library speeds up your development time and lightens your email codebase. MJML’s open-source engine generates high quality responsive HTML compliant with best practices. https://mjml.io/getting-started-onboard ## Installation ### Over composer: `composer require saccas/mjml` ### NPM Npm is needed for the conversion of the MJML file to HTML ## Usage in EXT:Form You can overwrite the default _finishersEmailMixin_ so that he uses the _MjmlEmailFinisher_ or create your own. ``` TYPO3: CMS: Form: mixins: finishersEmailMixin: implementationClassName: 'Saccas\Mjml\Domain\Finishers\MjmlEmailFinisher' ``` ## MJML Documentation https://mjml.io/documentation/