==================================== TYPO3 Extension Form File Collection ==================================== Adds new EXT:form element used to render a file collection allowing the visitor to choose files. Concept ======= The form element will fetch the configured file collection and assign proper options based on the contained files. That allows using existing templates that allow to select a single or multiple options. EXT:form integration ==================== The provided Configuration needs to be loaded via TypoScript. Use a free identifier: .. code:: plain plugin.tx_form.settings.yamlConfigurations { 80 = EXT:form_file_collection/Configuration/Form/Setup.yaml } No template is configured by default, choose one of the existing ones or provide your own: .. code:: yaml TYPO3: CMS: Form: prototypes: standard: formElementsDefinition: FileCollection: renderingOptions: # Allows to switch between different rendering like "Checkbox", "MultiCheckbox" or "RadioButton", etc. templateName: 'MultiCheckbox' The existing templates will work out of the box. An additional variable `files` is added for usage within custom templates. This will register a new form element type ``FileCollection`` that can be used like this: .. code:: yaml - type: FileCollection identifier: file-collection-1 label: 'File Collection' properties: fileCollection: # UID of the sys_file_collection to use uid: 1 # Optional, default is identifier # Defines the property to use as value for form element. valueProperty: 'identifier' # Optional, default is identifier # Defines the property to use as label for form element. labelProperty: 'identifier' The two options `valueProperty` and `labelProperty` are used to prepare the `options` variable used by the available default templates. Example ------- A concrete example can be found within ``Tests/Fixtures/form_file_collection_example``.