config { cache_period = 86400 no_cache = 0 sendCacheHeaders = 1 debug = 1 } page = PAGE page { 10 = USER 10 { // Simulates foreign access prior our rendering. // TYPO3 has an internal cache in order to not recalculate timeout. userFunc = Wrm\EventsExample\UserFunc->accessTsfeTimeout } 20 < styles.content.get 30 = USER 30 { // Simulates further long running rendering. // In order to test that our ttl is calculated as expected. userFunc = Wrm\EventsExample\UserFunc->sleep userFunc { sleep = 0 } } } plugin.tx_events { persistence { storagePid = 2 } settings { sortByDate = start sortOrder = ASC start = 1660158000 } }