2.2.0 ===== Breaking -------- Nothing Features -------- * Add PHP 8.0. * Add TYPO3 v11 LTS. * Empty TypoScript option ``categoryParentUid`` or ``0`` no longer triggers a warning. Instead it is respected to not import or assign any category. * ``region-uid`` of ``DestinationDataImportCommand`` is now optional. No region will be fetched and assigned to Events if no uid is provided. Fixes ----- * Commands ``RemovePast`` and ``RemoveAll`` now properly remove files related to events which no longer exist. * Command ``RemovePast`` now properly removes past dates and associated events, category relations and files. Tasks ----- * Added lots of tests for existing code base and adjustments made in this version. * Migrate readme to documentation. * Remove execution rights from PHP File. * Remove no longer existing TCA ``ctrl`` entry ``thumbnail``. * Fixed nearly all PHPStan issues. Deprecation ----------- Nothing