plugin.tx_events { view { # cat=plugin.tx_events/file; type=string; label=Path to template root (FE) templateRootPath = EXT:events/Resources/Private/Templates/ # cat=plugin.tx_events/file; type=string; label=Path to template partials (FE) partialRootPath = EXT:events/Resources/Private/Partials/ # cat=plugin.tx_events/file; type=string; label=Path to template layouts (FE) layoutRootPath = EXT:events/Resources/Private/Layouts/ } persistence { # cat=plugin.tx_events//a; type=string; label=Default storage PID storagePid = } settings { # cat=plugin.tx_events//a; type=string; label=Default Image defaultImagePath = typo3conf/ext/events/Resources/Public/Images/default.jpg destinationData { # cat=plugin.tx_events//a; type=string; label=Rest Url restUrl = # cat=plugin.tx_events//a; type=string; label=License license = ***REMOVED*** # cat=plugin.tx_events//a; type=string; label=Data Type restType = Event # cat=plugin.tx_events//a; type=string; label=Data Limit restLimit = 500 # cat=plugin.tx_events//a; type=string; label=Mode restMode = next_months,12 # cat=plugin.tx_events//a; type=string; label=Data Template restTemplate = ET2014A.json # cat=plugin.tx_events//a; type=string; Label=Category Storage categoriesPid = 54 # cat=plugin.tx_events//a; type=string; Label=Category Parent ID categoryParentUid = 6 } } }