<?php namespace WerkraumMedia\Calendar\Tests\Unit\Domain\Model; /* * Copyright (C) 2021 Daniel Siepmann <coding@daniel-siepmann.de> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use Prophecy\PhpUnit\ProphecyTrait; use WerkraumMedia\Calendar\Domain\Model\Month; use WerkraumMedia\Calendar\Domain\Model\Year; use WerkraumMedia\Calendar\Tests\ForcePropertyTrait; /** * @covers WerkraumMedia\Calendar\Domain\Model\Year * @testdox A year */ class YearTest extends TestCase { use ProphecyTrait; use ForcePropertyTrait; /** * @test */ public function canBeCreated(): void { $subject = new Year(2020); self::assertInstanceOf(Year::class, $subject); } /** * @test */ public function returnsPreviousYear(): void { $subject = new Year(2020); $result = $subject->getPreviousYear(); self::assertInstanceOf(Year::class, $result); self::assertSame('2019', $result->getDateTimeInstance()->format('Y')); } /** * @test */ public function returnsNextYear(): void { $subject = new Year(2020); $result = $subject->getNextYear(); self::assertInstanceOf(Year::class, $result); self::assertSame('2021', $result->getDateTimeInstance()->format('Y')); } /** * @test */ public function returnsAsUrlArguments(): void { $subject = new Year(2020); self::assertSame([ 'year' => 2020, ], $subject->getAsUrlArgument()); } /** * @test */ public function returnsMonthsForYear2020(): void { $subject = new Year(2020); $result = $subject->getMonths(); self::assertCount(12, $result); foreach ($result as $index => $month) { self::assertInstanceOf(Month::class, $month); $monthNumber = $index + 1; self::assertSame((string) $monthNumber, $month->getDateTimeInstance()->format('n')); } } /** * @test */ public function returnsSameMonthsOnSecondCall(): void { $subject = new Year(2020); self::assertSame($subject->getMonths(), $subject->getMonths()); } /** * @test */ public function returnsAllDaysFor2020(): void { $subject = new Year(2020); $result = $subject->getDays(); self::assertCount(366, $result); self::assertSame('2020-01-01', $result[0]->getDateTimeInstance()->format('Y-m-d')); self::assertSame('2020-12-31', $result[365]->getDateTimeInstance()->format('Y-m-d')); } /** * @test */ public function returnsNotActiveIfAllMonthsAreInactive(): void { $subject = new Year(2020); $month = $this->prophesize(Month::class); $month->isActive()->willReturn(false); $months = [$month->reveal()]; $this->forceProperty($subject, 'months', $months); self::assertFalse($subject->isActive()); } /** * @test */ public function returnsActiveIfASingleMonthIsActive(): void { $subject = new Year(2020); $month = $this->prophesize(Month::class); $month->isActive()->willReturn(true); $months = [$month->reveal()]; $this->forceProperty($subject, 'months', $months); self::assertTrue($subject->isActive()); } }