.. _highlight: bash Contribution ============ The project is hosted at https://git.higidi.com/Automated-TYPO3-Update/automated-typo3-update fill issues there. Also you can fork and clone the project there and provide merge requests. Also you can contact us on `TYPO3 slack`_. Documentation ------------- Documentation is written using `reStructuredText`_ ans `sphinx`_. Just open the files with a text editor and update contents. To render documentation locally install `docker`_ and run:: docker run -v "$PWD/Documentation":/sphinx danielsiepmann/sphinx from within the project root. Code ---- A :file:`.editorconfig` is already provided to setup your editor. Also `phpcs` is configured, so make sure to check your coding style with `phpcs`_. New sniffs have to be covered by tests, see :ref:`extending-tests`. .. _TYPO3 slack: https://typo3.slack.com/messages/@danielsiepmann .. _docker: https://www.docker.com/ .. _phpcs: https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer .. _reStructuredText: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html .. _sphinx: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/