.. _highlight: bash About ===== Our goal is to provide an automated migration for TYPO3 updates. This should include source code modifications like adjusting old legacy class names to new ones. Requirements ============ - ``composer`` needs to be installed and inside your ``$PATH``. Installation ============ Run:: make install and copy the ``vendor/composer/autoload_classaliasmap.php`` generated by ``composer`` in your TYPO3 installation to ``LegacyClassnames.php`` in the root of this project. Usage ===== Run:: ./vendor/bin/phpcbf This will run the auto fixer recursive for ```` fixing all issues. Afterwards you should run:: ./vendor/bin/phpcs To get information about possible issues that were not autofixed. What's included? ================ Currently we can migrate calls to old legacy class names of the TYPO3 core like ``Tx_Extbase...`` to new ones like ``\TYPO3\Extbase\...``. This is done for: - PHPDocuments, like Includes and annotations for IDEs. - Inheritance like ``extends`` and ``implements``. - Static calls like ``t3lib_div::`` to ``\TYPO3\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility``. - Typehints in methods and function like injects. - ``instanceof`` checks. - Inline comments for IDEs, e.g. ``/* @var $configurationManager Tx_Extbase_Configuration_ConfigurationManager */`` - Instantiation through ``new``. - Instantiation through ``makeInstance``. Only Classnames in Strings are supported, no ``::class``. - Instantiation through ``ObjectManager``, check afterwards as this is static and all function calls using ``get`` and ``create`` will be adjusted. Might be useful to exclude this sniff and run it separately. Only Classnames in Strings are supported, no ``::class``. - ``use`` statements. - ``catch`` of legacy class names. - Convert old legacy class definitions in extensions to namespace ones. - Convert usage of previously converted class definitions. On first run the definition will be converted, on second the usage. This is due to the fact, that PHPCS might find the definition after the usage, so please run twice. *NOTE* The configured file will be updated after each run, for each converted class, trait and interface definition. - Add missing vendor to plugin and module registrations and configurations. You might want to set this to non fixable and warning if you already provide the vendor inside a single Variable, together with your extension key, as this is not recognized. So the following will be recognized: - $_EXTKEY, - $VENDOR . $_EXTKEY, - 'VENDOR.' . $_EXTKEY, While the following will not: - $key = 'Vendor.' . $_EXTKEY; Also we check for the following deprecated calls: - Check for ``create`` on ``ObjectManager``, which is "stupid" just all ``create`` calls are marked with a warning. What does it look like? ======================= .. code:: $ ./vendor/bin/phpcs -p --colors -s E FILE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUND 5 ERRORS AFFECTING 5 LINES ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 | ERROR | [x] Legacy classes are not allowed; found | | backend_toolbarItem | | (Typo3Update.LegacyClassnames.Inheritance.legacyClassname) 14 | ERROR | [x] Legacy classes are not allowed; found TYPO3backend | | (Typo3Update.LegacyClassnames.DocComment.legacyClassname) 16 | ERROR | [x] Legacy classes are not allowed; found TYPO3backend | | (Typo3Update.LegacyClassnames.TypeHint.legacyClassname) 48 | ERROR | [x] Legacy classes are not allowed; found t3lib_extMgm | | (Typo3Update.LegacyClassnames.StaticCall.legacyClassname) 61 | ERROR | [x] Legacy classes are not allowed; found t3lib_div | | (Typo3Update.LegacyClassnames.StaticCall.legacyClassname) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PHPCBF CAN FIX THE 5 MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Time: 35ms; Memory: 5Mb Configuration ============= Configuration is done through PHPCS Standards, e.g. provide a custom ``ruleset.xml`` or customize the provided one. ``legacyExtensions`` Configures which extension names are legacy. Used to provide further checks and warnings about possible legacy code. E.g. inside of non auto migrated situations. Example: .. code:: xml Typo3Update.LegacyClassnames.DocComment: ``allowedTags`` Configures which tags are checked for legacy class names. Example: .. code:: xml ``vendor`` Configure your vendor through ``ruleset.xml`` or using ``--runtime-set``. Default is ``YourCompany``. Example: .. code:: xml Example: .. code:: bash --runtime-set vendor YourVendor